This report is the second of four that CITB commissioned Think Up to write recommending ways to deliver high-impact construction education in University Technical Colleges.
Building on the recommendations from the first report in the series, here we propose splitting the construction and the built environment curriculum into 10 group projects to be delivered over four years. Each of the projects is based around a team of students taking on the role a particular organisation involved in the design, construction and maintenance of the built environment. For instance, in one project, teams of students take on the role of a firm of architects working on a brief from a social housing landlord. Emphasising professional roles is a way to emphasise the status and impact that working in construction can lead to, thereby helping to build learner motivation. The full list of roles that students take on is:
Key Stage Four
- Mayoral Advisors
- Architects working for social landlords
- Demolition Contractors
- Structural Engineers
- Asset Managers
Key Stage Five
- Town planners
- Civil Engineering Consultants
- Design and Build Contractors (part 1)
- Design and Build Contractors (part 2)
- Commerical developers