Student Studio is now LIVE!

We are delighted to be able to let you know that our new online platform Student Studio is now live!

Student Studio has been developed to enable organisations to provide high quality engineering work experience to 14-19 year olds.  It aims to radically increase the quality and volume of work experience in the construction and engineering sectors.  By inspiring students to take up engineering as a profession, Student Studio aims to help address the projected skills shortages of the future.

You can visit the site at

The platform houses projects or workbooks which comprise of exciting, blended, age-appropriate tasks to enable students to gain first-hand insight of what it is like being an engineer.  Students can find out about many of the things that engineers have to take into account when planning a construction project for example.  Or learn how to plan and present the construction sequence of a major civil engineering project, to name another.

Initial feedback indicates that users find the site easy to use.   Work experience coordinators enjoy using a fully automated platform for the management and delivery of their work experience programmes and supervisors feel better equipped to deliver some high-quality work experience.

If you would like to discuss the content of the projects or workbooks further then please contact us as