The report ‘Skills for the Low-Carbon Economy’ makes recommendations for how FE colleges in London can provide the skills and training needed to develop the low-carbon capital of the future. The report, commissioned by Podium Skills London, was published in April 2010.
The report draws its recommendations from the findings of a half-day conference for senior managers of FE colleges facilitated by Think Up to identify the opportunities and barriers that training in the low-carbon construction sector can present. The speakers included:
- Professor Sa’ad MedHat, New Engineering Foundation, who spoke about how innovation is being supported in the delivery of low-carbon skills development.
- Martin Watson, Building Research Establishment, who described the technologies that the workforce of the future would need to be able to deliver.
- Ed McCann, Think Up, who gave Think Up’s analysis of whole-life learning and the role that FE can play.
Representatives from the London Development Agency, the Learning Skills Conucil, Summit Skills, CITB and thirteen FE colleges attended the conference. The lead facilitator of the workshop and author of the report was Think Up Associate Sheila Hoile.